Where Do I Begin?


Welcome to The Creative Process, I know there will be many, many questions as to what this is? what is my plan? and what I would like to achieve with this platform? But… Firstly I would like to introduce myself. Well I guess, that’s a good place to start. My name is Caitlin and I am a 20-year-old student at University studying a Bachelor of Media. This is my first year at University and also my first year living in the city as I moved from a rural country town. You may ask why this is important? Why should you know who I am and what I do and all that boring business. It is particularly important because all the boring details are the reason all this has begun.

The Creative Process began with an assignment for one of my classes. We had to brainstorm ideas for a website, we could do a blog a How to, a portfolio anything we wanted too and on any subject we loved.  Obviously, my first pick was photography and let me tell you why…

Capture the Moment

This photograph was taken from my personal Instagram  I captured it “Good to get this bad boy out again” (insert camera emoji and cool hashtag)

I’ve always loved photography, my mum has always said anytime I had an opportunity to take photographs I was there. I did photography all through school and my love for it continued to grow and grow. I learnt new styles and challenged myself with the photos I wanted to create. I wanted to be different, but I wanted to be unique and sometimes I found it difficult to develop my skills. My school teachers only knew so much and could not assist me in the more creative areas of photography. That is where I turned to blogs, YouTube tutorials and magazines anything that could help me.  I finished high school in 2015 and received a very high grade for my photography subject. I worked hard like any other student and continued to strive to do this best I could.  From this, by any means does not make me an expert photographer I am still and always will still be learning and developing my skills. This came to mind when I was approached with my assignment.

So we’ve come full circle back to the questions what is The Creative Process? I want to inspire and educate fellow photographers. I would like to utilise the skills I have previously learnt to educate other photographers who may be struggling to learn and develop new skills. I want to illustrate some of my work for others to see, but I would also like to show how I achieve my work and how others can also achieve that style of photography. There is so much more, that I promise you’ll find out soon. So I hope you will all stick around and hopefully learn something new!

See you all very soon, stay creative!

The creative process logo



It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.